Unique programs
Individual training
Advanced equipment
Top tutors


Our advantages

Professional team
Only in our team you can find the most successful playing world known DJs and producers who are ready to share their unique experience and knowledge with you
Professional equipment
The latest advanced equipment and exclusive techniques will help you to unleash creativity and realize your potential
Individual training
We are sure that the best training format is individual, that is why the most part of our learning process is individual, so you can get maximum of efficient knowledge
Training programs
Here you will know all the secrets and nuances of working in this industry and will be able to start your professional activity right after training. We give real practical skills and knowledge



What is necessary to start learning?
Only your wish and love of music. Of course musical education will facilitate training process but it is not necessary. If you want to get some basic knowledge or just to refresh it, we have a special program Basics of musical notation.
What is necessary to start learning?
What is necessary to start learning?
Only your wish and love of music. Of course musical education will facilitate training process but it is not necessary. If you want to get some basic knowledge or just to refresh it, we have a special program Basics of musical notation.
What is the way of payment?
What is the way of payment?
It’s cashless payment with a bank card before the course starts.
Which documents do I get after the training course?
Which documents do I get after the training course?
In case of successful training and taking exam you will receive the Nice Music Academy’s Certificate.
What is the class schedule?
What is the class schedule?
Training takes place on individual schedule every working day of the week from 12 AM till 9 PM.
Why is it your Academy that I should choose?
Why is it your Academy that I should choose?
Only here you can be trained by the best top artists of our dance scene who are at the peak of their career right now. They are ready to share actual methods and secrets of achieving any of your creative aims. You will practice on up-to-date professional equipment, most of the classes are individual.